Betsy Steiner Dressage

139 Locktown Rd, Kingwood, NJ, USA
Accepting Clients
Betsy Steiner Dressage
139 Locktown Rd, Kingwood, NJ, USA


Profile ID: EPC-21131
  • Dressage, Trainer
  • Profile Type



Betsy has an incredibly distinguished career spanning 5 decades.  Her love for horses is apparent and only increases.  With a passion for training using solid gymnastic work through all the levels up to Grand Prix.  Throughout the years she has successfully competed Internationally and has been a member of Team USA at the WEG on her own horse Unanimous. Betsy is currently competing her mare, Swiss W at the Grand Prix level.

Betsy is an advocate for rider fitness and development believing ”we have to be equal athletes to our horses.”  With a strong compassion for both horse and rider Betsy loves working with horses and riders at all levels and enjoys mentoring riders in their work and careers with their horses.

In addition to running an active training program, authoring numerous articles and a book, A Gymnastic Riding System using Mind, Body and Spirit, she has represented the US at the World Equestrian Games, coached Olympians, and has served on numerous committees including the the Athlete’s Active Advisory Council to the US Olympic Committee, the Active Athletes Committee and most recently serves on several USEF Dressage Committees.  She has been Chef d’equips at Aachen, Hickstead and Falsterbo as well as NAYR.

During the summer months Betsy is very inspired working with students doing clinics throughout the country bringing her philosophy of Mind, Body and Spirit into her training methods at clinics.  The doors at Betsy Steiner Dressage are always open to new students!







  • Status: Accepting Clients
  • Address 139 Locktown Rd, Kingwood, NJ, USA
  • State New Jersey
  • Zip/Postal Code 08822

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