
Strengthening Relationships between Horse, Rider, and Trainer

Photo By: Stacy Lynne Equine Photography An Interview with Eileen Keller of Aeon Dressage Every person has a story to tell, a lesson to share, and the opportunity to have a lifelong impact on another. Whether you have had the chance to learn from someone personally, or read their words or experiences in an interview such as this, EPC is devoted to giving our members the chance to share their wisdom...

Building and Backing from the Ground Up

An Interview with Reed Nolan of Nolan Performance Horses Here at EPC, we strive to connect every equestrian and equine professional across all backgrounds and disciplines. Reed Nolan, a young horse and roping trainer, was one of EPC’s very first members, and has posted two horses for sale on our EPC Marketplace. While temporarily living and offering services in Virginia, Reed is currently in the...

Building an Inclusive Equestrian Community

Photo by Crystal Young of Royal Equine An Interview with Marissa Gentner of The Distinguished Rider  One of the primary goals of The Equine Professionals Club is to unite members of the equestrian community from all backgrounds. In this article, we are proud to feature The Distinguished Rider’s founder and owner Marissa Gentner, with whom EPC also shares a mission of increasing accessibility in...

Unlocking Excellence: A Spotlight on a USDF GMO

Located in Eastern Pennsylvania, the Lehigh Valley Dressage Association (LVDA) is a United States Dressage Federation (USDF) Region 1 Group Member Organization (GMO) that provides educational opportunities to its membership and local community through clinics, seminars, lectures, and both schooling and recognized dressage shows.  The LVDA is known for the widespread development and success of their...

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